Umar Ali

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Undergradute Engineering Student at the University of British Columbia


School of Biomedical Engineering (SBME)
BC Cancer - Vancouver (CCR)

Contact me!

The best way to reach me is through my email1. Also check out my Github2 and Linkedin3



3 /in/muhammad-umar-ali

About Me

Hey 👋

I am a 4th year undergraduate engineering student @ UBC with a major in biomedical engineering and concentration in bioinformatics. I have an avid interest in all things medicine but a particular interest in machine learning, robotics, and systems biology. I am currently the electrical lead on UBC Bionics and a dry lab member on UBC iGEM.


  • YOLOCell App BMEG 357, Course - Design for a software medical device, documented with DHFs as per FDA guidelines, for blood microscope slides. [Demo, Analytics]
  • Modelling Tumour Metastasis BMEG 371, Course - Mathmatically modelling tumour invasion distance using a system of coupled partial differential equations.
  • Meter One Altium, Python, Flutter - An all-in-one medical device design for blood oxygen saturation, heart rate, and white blood cell count. (Hack the North 2021 @ UofT)
  • PixGen Python, Tensorflow - Database and image generator to train doctors on skin conditions of people of colours (MedHacks 2021 @ JHU)
  • Pathomatic Android, Flutter, Dart - Android application for real time ovarian cancer infernces and digitization of microscope slide.
  • Open Biopipeline Python, KEGG, Uniprot - An open source bioinformatics tool for rapidly constructing gene analysis pipelines
  • Chill Calm Python, Django, APIs - Detects your emotions based off of Google's Vision API and generates animation that will attempt to calm you accordingly.(nwHacks 2020 @ UBC)

Curriculum Vitae


  • Amin Abdolkhani, Umar Ali, Hamza Rasheed, and Johnny Zhao. "Predicting Patient Readmission for Improved Resource Allocation using Machine Learning" in STEM Fellowship Journal. (Full Paper)
  • Amin Abdolkhani, Umar Ali, Hamza Rasheed, and Johnny Zhao. "Characterization and Detection of Misinformation to Inform Healthcare Policies" in STEM Fellowship Journal. (Full Paper)


  • Umar Ali, Andy Zhao, Daniel C. Louie, Yuheng Wang, Harvey Lui, Sunil Kalia, and Tim K. Lee. "Generating Skin Images Using Artificial Intelligence" in UBC Faculty of Medicine Research Showcase 2022
  • Umar Ali, Andy Zhao, Daniel C. Louie, Yuheng Wang, Harvey Lui, Sunil Kalia, and Tim K. Lee. "Synthesizing novel inflammatory skin clinical images for patients of color using a style-based generative adversarial network" in Harvard University NCRC 2021
  • Umar Ali, Andy Zhao, Daniel C. Louie, Yuheng Wang, Harvey Lui, Sunil Kalia, and Tim K. Lee. "Synthesizing novel skin cancer clinical images for patients of color using a style-based generative adversarial network" in BC Cancer Summit 2021
  • Johnny Zhao, Umar Ali, Calvin Kuo. "Literature Review on Juvenile Disk Disorder and Congenital Disc Diseases " in UBC MURC 2021

Education/Work Experience